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Orange County Circuit Court
Orange County Courthouse
425 North Orange Avenue
Phone: 407-836-2000
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Online Court Resources
Resources for the Orange County Circuit Court as well as online resources applicable to courts generally in Orange County, Florida, and resources applicable to all courts in Florida.
Search court case records
Florida Official Records
Florida court documents, judgments, liens, probate records and other types of county records can be found online. Searching is free but there is a charge for records requested. Criminal records are not available from this service.
Dockets, calendars, and other information about court cases
9th Judicial Circuit Court Available Timeslots
Search 9th Judicial Circuit Court available timeslots by court type and amount of time.
9th Judicial Circuit Court Dockets
Search 9th Judicial Circuit Court dockets by date and court type.
Published opinions and orders
9th Judicial Circuit Administrative Orders
Search Orange and Osceola County Circuit and County Court administrative orders by subject, description, order number, judge, date, and keyword.
Forms and related information
Online fine payments
Pay Traffic Tickets Online
Pay traffic tickets online for most counties with this service from Florida Clerks of Court. An online search service for ticket information is also available for most counties. There is a fee associated with this service.
Self help, legal research, general information
Orange County Evictions
View information about evictions in Orange County, including how to file, landlord and tenant obligations, and the Self Help Center.
Orange County Probate Information
View information about probate cases in Orange County Circuit Court, including filing procedures, an overview of asset distribution upon death of an individual, wills, and guardianships.
Information Regarding Florida Simplified Divorce
View information on obtaining a simplified divorce in Florida, including a self-help packet and necessary forms.
Criminal Record Sealing and Expungement
View information on how to seal or expunge a criminal record in Florida.
Florida Court Information for Veterans
View, download or print the Veterans' resource guide to the state legal system. An overview of Veterans Courts, which are specialized court programs that set up treatment in lieu of incarceration for some offenders with substance abuse or mental health problems, is also provided.
Florida Court Programs and Services
View information about Florida court programs and services, including alternative dispute resolution, court interpreters, drug courts, family courts, and jury duty. Educational resources and videos about the court system and procedure are also available.
Florida Court Self-Help Resources
Services include information about local self-help centers, family law information and forms, information about free or low-cost legal services, lawyer referral, and legal resources for seniors.
Florida Family Law Information
View a Florida Family Law handbook in English or Spanish, and a publication providing marriage law guidance. Scroll down to "Marriage Law Information" for links to the publications.
Florida Foreclosure Prevention Resources
View resources for preventing foreclosure in Florida, including local housing counseling agencies, programs and workshops, and state and federal agency information.
Florida Laws
Search the Florida Statutes and Constitution, or browse by table of contents.
Florida Legal Information and Resources
View information and available resources for a variety of legal issues, including but not limited to: family, juvenile, domestic violence, housing, debt collection, employment, and immigration.
Florida Legal Pamphlets
The Florida Bar offers online pamphlets on various legal issues including consumer, civil and small claims, credit, family, immigration, legal services property, wills, trusts, and estates. Pamphlets may be downloaded; print versions may be ordered for a small fee.
Florida Small Claims
An overview of the Florida small claims process includes what constitutes a small claims case, where to file a case in Florida, and a link to the Florida Small Claims Rules of Court Procedure.
Legal aid, free services, lawyer referral
Directory of Free and Low-Cost Legal Services
Search a directory of organizations offering free legal assistance and services by location and issue, or view the directory by organization name.
Find a Florida Lawyer
The Florida Bar offers an online search for attorneys by name, location, and bar number.
Florida Attorney Complaints and Discipline
The Florida Bar offers information about attorney regulation and discipline, and Attorney Consumer Assistance Program to handle complaints against attorneys, alternatives to the formal complaint process, and online access to summaries of recent disciplinary actions taken by the Florida Supreme Court against member attorneys.