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Davis County District Court
100 Courthouse Square
Phone: 641-664-2011
Fax: 641-664-2041
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Online Court Resources
Resources for the Davis County District Court as well as online resources applicable to courts generally in Davis County, Iowa, and resources applicable to all courts in Iowa.
Search court case records
Iowa District Court Case Records
Search Iowa District Court case records online. A more advanced search is available for registered users who pay a monthly subscription fee.
Dockets, calendars, and other information about court cases
District 8 Criminal Trial Schedules
View criminal trial schedules for Appanoose, Davis, Des Moines, Henry, Jefferson, Keokuk, Lee, Louisa, Mahaska, Monroe, Poweshiek, Van Buren, Wapello, and Washington Counties.
Iowa District Court Schedules
Search Iowa District Court schedules by county through this paid service. Registration is required. Use the "Schedule Search" link at the bottom of the page.
Published opinions and orders
Forms and related information
Online fine payments
Self help, legal research, general information
Foreclosure Prevention Resources
View resources for preventing foreclosure in Iowa, including local housing counseling agencies, state agencies and programs, and a link to legal aid providers.
Iowa Child Support Services
The Iowa Department of Human Services offers information and services related to child support, including child support guidelines, payment information, how to change a child support order and a toll-free telephone number for child support information.
Iowa Electronic Filing
View information about about electronic filing of Iowa court documents, which is required unless an exception is approved. Links to registration, filing instructions, guides, and online forms are on the left side of the page.
Iowa Foreclosure Mediation Program
View information on this voluntary program whereby lenders and borrowers can meet in mediation and look for mutally agreeable solutions to foreclosure cases.
Iowa Legal Information and Self Help Resources
View self-help information about Iowa courts, including electronic filing, court dates, rules, procedure, and how to find a lawyer. Detailed information about child custody, child support. collecting a judgment, commitments, divorce, name change, paternity, protecting personal information, and small claims are also provided; links are on the left side of the page.
Iowa Traffic and Motor Vehicle Information
The Iowa Department of Transportation offers information about traffic laws, motor vehicle laws, driver licenses and online services.
Legal Information and Legal Assistance
View information about legal issues related to seniors, disability, education, food assistance, housing, pensions, taxes, employment, consumers, small claims, families and children, domestic violence, health care, civil rights, public benefits, and veterans. Includes links to forms and other self-help resources, lawyer referral, and organizations providing free legal services.
Legal aid, free services, lawyer referral
Find an Iowa Lawyer
The Iowa State Bar Association offers a search for lawyers by keyword, type of law, city, and county.
Find Free Legal Assistance
View a directory of organizations offering free legal services to eligible clients, listed by service area.
Free Legal Assistance
The Iowa Bar Association offers a directory of agencies that provide free civil legal services to low-income residents.
Iowa Attorney Discipline Records
Seach Iowa Judicial Branch free online database of disability and discipline orders against attorneys by name, year and case type.
Locate an Iowa Lawyer
Search Iowa Judicial Branch for lawyers licensed to practice law by name, county, city, state, area of practice and license status.
Locate Iowa Public Defenders
View Iowa Public Defender information including offices and links to Public Defender services for free or low-cost criminal defense, mental health and juvenile case representation.