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Madison Municipal Court
Municipal Justice Complex
2001 Main St, PO Box 2489
Phone: 601-707-1420
Fax: 601-853-0067
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Online Court Resources
Resources for the Madison Municipal Court as well as online resources applicable to courts generally in Madison County, Mississippi, and resources applicable to all courts in Mississippi.
Published opinions and orders
Forms and related information
Self help, legal research, general information
Attorney General Publications
View and download Mississippi Attorney General's Office publications about underage drinking, consumer information, crime prevention and victim help, cyber crime, domestic violence, fraud and identity theft, senior financial abuse, and youth safety.
Child Support
The Mississippi Department of Human Services offers an online application for services, online viewing of bills and notices, and information about payments, collection, enforcement, determination of obligations, employer information, and the license suspension program.
Domestic Violence Resources
The Mississippi Coalition Against Domestic Violence offers information about domestic violence, links to services and legal resources, and a search by county for local domestic violence shelters.
Drug Court Information
View information about drug court programs in Mississippi. Links to detailed information and local contacts are provided.
Legal Information
The Mississippi State Bar offers legal information on a variety of topics, including benefits, will and estate planning, family law, employment, health, housing, credit and bankruptcy, and contracts. An overview of the court system and legal process is also provided.
Legal Information and Legal Resources
Find legal information and resources on a variety of topics, including consumer, disability, family, education, employment, health, public benefits, and tax law.
Legal Publications
The Mississippi State Bar offers publications about womens' rights, the consequences of a DUI, and the consequences of school misconduct.
Mississippi Laws
Search the full text of the Mississippi Code or the table of contents by keyword, or browse the table of contents by title and subject. Online search tips are provided.
State and Local Court Rules
View Mississippi Rules of Court, including Circuit, Chancery, County, Justice, and Youth Courts, rules governing the bar and judiciary, and court procedural rules. Links to local Circuit, Chancery, and County Court rules are also provided.
State Law Library
Search the Mississippi State law library catalog by keyword, title, author, donor, or subject. Links to library policies and answers to frequently asked questions are provided.
Victim Help
The Office of Attorney General of Mississippi offers information about its services and resources for victims, including human trafficking, consumer scams, cyber crime, disasters, identity theft, domestic violence, victims' rights and compensation, and abuse of vulnerable adults.
Workers' Compensation Information
The Mississippi Workers' Compensation Commission offers online searching, forms, and links to orders and claims, answers to frequently asked questions, law and claims procedures, and additional resources.
Legal aid, free services, lawyer referral
Attorney Directory
The Mississippi State Bar offers an online directory of its members that can be searched by attorney name, firm, city, state, and county. Results include contact information, bar admission date, and whether an attorney is in good standing and authorized to practice law in Mississippi.
Attorney Roll
Search for attorneys admitted to the Mississippi Bar by name, city, and first letter of last name. Results include contact information and bar admission date.
Complaints About Lawyers
The Mississippi State Bar offers a Consumer Assistance Program for handling complaints about lawyers, including downloadable and online Request for Assistance forms.
Free and Low-Cost Legal Services
Search for free or low-cost legal services by location and legal issue, or view a directory of organizations by name or service area.
Free Legal Services
The Mississippi State Bar offers links to organizations that provide free legal services. Links to organizations' websites, areas served, and a brief description of available services are included.
Guide to Hiring a Lawyer
The Mississippi State Bar offers a guide to choosing a lawyer, including how to find one, how much it will cost, and how to work with a lawyer once you have chosen one.
Lawyer Fee Disputes
The Mississippi State Bar offers information about its free of cost process for handling client complaints about lawyers' fees.