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Upton Municipal Court
725 2nd Street
Phone: 307-468-2441
Fax: 307-468-2209
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Online Court Resources
Resources for the Upton Municipal Court as well as online resources applicable to courts generally in Weston County, Wyoming, and resources applicable to all courts in Wyoming.
Published opinions and orders
Self help, legal research, general information
Find Online Legal Resources
The Library of Congress offers an extensive list of online legal resources for Wyoming, including links to the state Constitution, current and pending laws, regulations, and executive documents
Wyoming Child Support Enforcement
Wyoming Child Support Enforcement program information and resources including payment procedures, local office contacts, child support rules, and a downloadable guide.
Wyoming Children's Justice
The Children's Justice Project provides information and resources for abused and neglected children, including neglect hearing checklists, a parents' handbook, forms, and publications.
Wyoming Constitution and Laws
Search Wyoming Constitution and Statutes by keyword, or browse the table of contents. Both text-only and annotated versions are available.
Wyoming Legal Information and Legal Resources
Wyoming legal information and resources organized by topic, including family law, housing and landlord-tenant, criminal law, elder law, employment law, benefits, health, finances, Native American issues, taxes, and general court self-help.
Wyoming State Law Library
View information about the Wyoming State Law Library, including location, hours, available materials and services, an online catalog, and links to additional online legal research resources.
Wyoming Traffic and Motor Vehicle Laws
The Wyoming Department of Transportation offers information about Wyoming driver licensing, driver history records, and a summary of current traffic laws.
Legal aid, free services, lawyer referral
Complaints About Wyoming Judges
The Commission on Judicial Conduct and Ethics provides information about filing a misconduct complaint against a judge.
Complaints About Wyoming Lawyers
View information about fee disputes and complaints about unethical conduct. Links to fee dispute and ethical violation complaint forms are included.
Wyoming Lawyer Referral and Directory
The Wyoming Bar Association offers a lawyer referral service by online form, lawyer directories by area of law or name, and links to legal aid providers.
Wyoming Legal Aid
Legal Aid of Wyoming provides free civil legal assistance to low-income residents. Infomation about types of cases accepted and eligibility, locations and contacts, an application form, and links to legal forms and additional resources are included.
Wyoming Legal Help and Lawyer Referral
View contact information for legal aid providers in Wyoming, including Legal Aid of Wyoming, domestic violence services, local agencies, additional state agencies, and legal clinics. View contact information for the Wyoming State Bar Lawyer Referral Service.
Wyoming Public Defender Services
Find contact information for Wyoming Public Defender offices by county and answers to frequently asked questions. Public Defenders are assigned by the court and provide free representation in criminal defense and juvenile matters for eligible clients who cannot afford a lawyer.