Report Corrections Here
Potter County Magistrate Court
201 S Exene St, PO Box 67
Phone: 605-765-9472
Fax: 605-765-9670
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Online Court Resources
Resources for the Potter County Magistrate Court as well as online resources applicable to courts generally in Potter County, South Dakota, and resources applicable to all courts in South Dakota.
Search court case records
Court Case Records
View information on how to obtain civil and criminal records. This is a fee-based service; online searching is not available except for civil money judgments.
Search Civil Judgments
Search the South Dakota Unified Judicial System's civil money judgment database on a pay-as-you-go system or by subscription. Registration is free.
Dockets, calendars, and other information about court cases
Daily Court Calendars
Search the current day's court calendars for South Dakota Circuit and Magistrate Courts by time and county.
Published opinions and orders
Forms and related information
Online fine payments
Pay South Dakota Traffic Tickets
At present, South Dakota does not offer online traffic ticket payment options. Payments must be mailed to the appropriate clerk of court, listed here.
Self help, legal research, general information
6th Judicial Circuit Information
View answers to frequently asked questions about court procedures in Bennett, Gregory, Haakon, Hughes, Hyde, Jackson, Jones, Lyman, Mellette, Potter, Stanley, Sully, Todd, and Tripp Counties.
Foreclosure Prevention Assistance
View resources for preventing foreclosure in South Dakota, including local housing counseling agencies, legal service providers, and the State Bar Association.
Child Support Services
The South Dakota Department of Social Services offers information and services related to child support, including making or changing a child support order, paternity, locating an absent parent, and child support enforcement.
Crime Victim Assistance
The South Dakota Department of Social Services provides assistance to victims of crime through its Victims Services Program. Resources offered include shelter and temporary housing, legal advocacy, crisis counseling, compensation, and financial grant information.
Expungement Information
Instructions for filing a motion to expunge (seal) a criminal record in South Dakota courts are provided.
Legal Information for Seniors
The South Dakota Attorney General's Office provides information to seniors about legal issues, including elder abuse, health care, estate planning, and benefits. Links to additional online resources and alerts about consumer fraud and financial scams are also available.
Self-Help Brochures
The South Dakota State Bar offers self-help brochures on a variety of legal topics, including health care, wills, trusts, elder and juvenile law, employment, property, protection orders, and family law.
Self-Representation Guide
The South Dakota Unified Judicial System offers a detailed guide on representing yourself in South Dakota courts.
Traffic and Motor Vehicle Information
The South Dakota Department of Public Safety offers information about motor vehicle laws, registration, and driver licenses, with links to online manuals, applications and forms, and answers to frequently asked questions.
Legal aid, free services, lawyer referral
Complaints about Attorneys
Information about how to file a complaint about attorney misconduct with the Disciplinary Board of the State Bar of South Dakota.
Consumer Protection
The South Dakota Attorney General's Office offers information about its consumer protection services, with instructions for filing complaints, fraud prevention, alerts about current scams, and downloadable complaint forms.
State Bar Lawyer Referral and Information
The South Dakota Lawyer Referral Service provides a reasonably priced half-hour consultation with an attorney familiar with your type of legal issue. Lawyers and law firms that participate in this service provide their contact information and the types of cases they handle. You may also search for an attorney by name or firm name.