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Garfield County Justice Court
Garfield County Courthouse
55 South Main Street, PO Box 77
Phone: 435-676-8826
Fax: 435-676-8239
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Online Court Resources
Resources for the Garfield County Justice Court as well as online resources applicable to courts generally in Garfield County, Utah, and resources applicable to all courts in Utah.
Search court case records
Utah Court Case Records
Search District and Justice Court case records through this paid subscription service. Case summaries are included in the subscription; document images may be purchased separately. Instructions, search tips, and subscription information are provided.
Dockets, calendars, and other information about court cases
Utah Court Calendars
View Utah District and Justice Court calendars by location. The 7th Judicial District Court schedule of law and motion days is also available.
Forms and related information
Online fine payments
Utah Court Payments
Pay District Court and Justice Court fines and other payments online by case number and court name or by citation number. Make Juvenile Court payments by case number, name, and date of birth. Some courts may not be included in this statewide system.
Self help, legal research, general information
BYU Law Library
View information about the Howard W. Hunter Law Library at Brigham Young University's J. Reuben Clark Law School, including location, hours, available materials and services, an online catalog, and links to additional online legal research resources.
Definitions of Common Legal Terms
View a glossary of commonly used legal terms, organized alphabetically.
English-Spanish Legal Terms
View a glossary of legal terms translated into Spanish, organized alphabetically in English.
University of Utah Law Library
View information about the James E. Faust Law Library at University of Utah's S.J. Quinney College of Law, including location, hours, available materials and services, an online catalog, and links to additional online legal research resources.
Utah Alternative Dispute Resolution
View information about alternative dispute resolution programs in Utah courts, which include mediation and arbitration and which can help parties resolve disputes without going to trial. Links to programs by court and a roster of mediators/arbitrators are provided.
Utah Court Guides
View and download guides to the Utah court system, including a version in Spanish, and a guide to Juvenile Courts.
Utah Court Rules
View Utah Court rules including civil, small claims, alternative dispute resolution, criminal, juvenile, evidence, and rule changes.
Utah Driver License and DUI Information
The Utah Department of Public Safety Driver License Division offers information about drivers licenses, DUI procedures, driver handbooks, medical standards for driving, and driving records.
Utah Laws
Browse the Utah Code by table of contents, or search the Utah Code and Constitution by keyword. Historical information is also available.
Utah Self Help Information
Utah Legal Services provides information on various legal topics including domestic and dating violence, protective orders, family law, consumer issues, bankruptcy, employment, housing, public benefits, elder law, and estate planning. Links top the topics are in the middle of the page.
Utah Self Help Resources
View legal information and resources for parties representing themselves without a lawyer in Utah courts, including available forms and the Online Court Assistance Program to help with forms, links to free legal clinics, court rules and procedures, interpreters, government agencies, how to find legal help, and legal topics such as consumer law, criminal, families and children, housing, juvenile, probate, military, and protection from abuse.
Utah State Law Library
View information about the Utah State Law Library, including location, hours, available materials and services, an online catalog, and links to additional online legal research resources.
Legal aid, free services, lawyer referral
Utah Free and Low-Cost Legal Services
View a list of agencies and organizations organizations that provide free and low-cost legal services, including Utah Legal Services, the Legal Aid Society of Salt Lake, the Disability Law Center, DNA People's Legal Services, immigration law programs, the Native American Disability Law Center, the Rocky Mountain Innocence Center, and the Utah Crime Victims Legal Clinic. Descriptions of services, contacts, and links to websites are provided.
Utah Free Legal Assistance
Utah Legal Services provides free civil legal assistance to low-income residents. Apply by telephone or online intake form. Qualification criteria, types of cases handled, intake procedures, and office locations are provided.
Utah Free Legal Clinics
View information about free statewide and local legal clinics, including contacts, location, topics covered, and types of services.
Utah Lawyer Tips and Complaints
The Utah State Bar offers information about finding and working with a lawyer, a consumer protection program that includes fee disputes and other complaints about lawyers, form and instructions are provided.
Utah Lawyers and Legal Assistance
Search the Utah State Bar directory of member attorneys by name, organization name, location, and bar number. Search for lawyers by type of law and location. Search for lawyers who offer reduced rates for income-eligible clients. View a directory free legal clinks by city.
Utah Legal Services
The Utah State Bar provides links to free legal clinics and organizations that provide free ("pro bono") legal assistance. Scroll down the page to "Clinics, programs & services" for links.