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County Court of El Paso County
El Paso County Judicial Building
270 South Tejon, PO Box 2980
Colorado Springs,
Phone: 719-452-5000
Fax: 719-452-5006
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Online Court Resources
Resources for the County Court of El Paso County as well as online resources applicable to courts generally in El Paso County, Colorado, and resources applicable to all courts in Colorado.
Search court case records
Colorado Court Records
Search Colorado Court records by name, date, court or case type available through two paid services.
Dockets, calendars, and other information about court cases
Forms and related information
Self help, legal research, general information
El Paso and Teller County Domestic Violence Help
View information on services available to victims of domestic violence in El Paso and Teller Counties.
El Paso and Teller County Self-Help
View self-help information on forms, services and information for use in the Counties of El Paso and Teller.
El Paso County and Teller County Dispute Resolution
View information on alternative dispute resolution services in El Paso and Teller Counties.
Colorado Small Claims County Guide
The Colorado Judicial Branch provides a small claims handbook, as well as local fees, mediation requirements, and scheduling information by county.
Sealing of Criminal Records
Information, instructions, and downloadable forms are provided for sealing Colorado arrest and criminal records.
Colorado Child Support Services
View information about Colorado child support enforcement programs, including how to start a child support case, establish paternity, calculate payments, and enforce orders.
Colorado Consumer Protection
The Colorado Attorney General's Office provides fraud and scam information, alerts and assistance, a consumer resource guide, and online fraud report forms in English and Spanish.
Colorado Legal Information
Search information about a variety of legal topics, including family and juvenile law, immigration, housing, health, employment, benefits, civil rights, and Native American issues. Information is available in Arabic, Chinese, Farsi, Punjabi, Russian and Spanish.
Colorado Online Court Brochures
The Colorado Judicial Branch offers brochures in English and Spanish on a variety of topics, including child support, civil court actions, restraining orders, traffic violations, juvenile delinquency and neglect, mediation, and small claims cases.
Colorado State Law
View Colorado Court Rules, Statutes and Constitution and search by title or topic.
Legal aid, free services, lawyer referral
El Paso County Legal Services and Lawyer Referral
The El Paso County Bar Association provides free legal clinics, an ask-a-lawyer telephone service, a pro bono program for indigent clients, a modest means program with reduced rates, a lawyer referral service, and links to additional legal aid resources.
Colorado Domestic Violence Prevention Resources
Find local domestic violence prevention resources and hotline services available throughout Colorado.
Colorado Free Legal Assistance
Search Colorado providers of free civil legal services by location and legal issue, or view a directory of organizations in alphabetical order.
Colorado Legal Services
View information about legal clinics, low-cost legal assistance, free legal services, and advice for pro-se (individuals representing themselves) litigants in Colorado, with local office contacts and an online application.
Colorado Public Defender Offices
Find a Colorado Public Defender office by county to represent indigent clients charged with a crime.
Find a Colorado Lawyer
The Colorado Bar Association offers an online directory that can be searched by name, practice area, location, and additional advanced search options.