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Attleboro Juvenile Court
88 North Main Street
Phone: 508-222-5350
Attleboro Juvenile Court serves Attleboro, Mansfield, North Attleboro, and Norton.
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Online Court Resources
Resources for the Attleboro Juvenile Court as well as online resources applicable to courts generally in Bristol County, Massachusetts, and resources applicable to all courts in Massachusetts.
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Court Case Records
View information about the types of case records available at public access computers and at courthouses. View instructions for searching Superior, District, Probate and Family, Housing, Land, and Boston Municipal Court case records, and follow the link to search the records online.
Criminal Records
View information about criminal records in Massachusetts, including instructions for obtaining and sealing records, and laws and regulations governing public access.
Published opinions and orders
Forms and related information
Self help, legal research, general information
Bristol County Abuse and Domestic Violence Resources
The Bristol County District Attorney's Office offers brochures and guides with information about elder abuse, dating violence, domestic violence, and sexual assault. Contact information and links to domestic violence, sexual assault, elder abuse, and child abuse hotlines, shelters, and services are also provided.
Problem-Solving Courts
View information about specialty court sessions that can set up supervision and treatment in lieu of incarceration for some offenders with substance abuse or mental health problems, including Adult and Juvenile Drug Courts, Veterans' Treatment Courts, Mental Health Courts, Homeless Court, and other local specialized sessions. Program descriptions, locations, manuals, brochures, and forms are provided.
Alternative Dispute Resolution
View information about court-connected Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR), which helps parties resolve disputes without going to trial. Links to approved programs and guidelines are provided.
Child Support Services
The Massachusetts Department of Revenue offers information about child support services, including how to apply, payments, and modification and enforcement of orders. Links to the online application and payment systems, guidelines and calculators, and forms are provided.
Civil Self-Representation
View information about representing yourself in a civil case, including types of cases and courts, use of attorneys, court personnel, how to start a case, trail procedure, and settlement. Links to additional print and online resources are provided.
Court Rules and Standing Orders
View Massachusetts rules of civil, criminal, and appellate procedure; all trial court rules; dispute resolution rules; and trial court standing orders. Most court rules and Land Court standing orders are also available as downloadable e-books.
Fee Waiver Requests
View instructions for requesting a waiver of Massachusetts court fees and costs due to inability to pay. Links to the indigency guidelines and application forms are included.
Law Libraries
View information about Massachusetts Trial Court Law Libraries, including locations, hours, an online catalog, and available materials and services. Services include an "Ask a Law Librarian" service by online chat, text, or email; document delivery; links to online legal research resources, downloadable e-books of court rules and other legal documents; and links to Massachusetts laws, court rules and opinions, regulations, and administrative agency materials.
Legal Information and Resources
Find information and assistance on a variety of legal issues in multiple languages. Legal aid eligibility, free and low-cost program referrals, and self-help resources are also provided.
Massachusetts Laws
Search Massachusetts General Laws by keyword or chapter and section, or browse by table of contents. Search uncodified session laws by keyword, year, or chapter and type. Search historical laws and documents, and view a guide to researching legislative history. Laws and regulations may also be browsed by popular name in alphabetical order.
Self-Help Resources
View information by legal topic for individuals representing themselves in Massachusetts courts. Topics include court procedure, terminology, legal assistance, consumer protection, abuse and harassment prevention, criminal law, family matters, guardianship, housing, probate, small claims, and traffic. Links to forms are provided.
Traffic and Motor Vehicle Information
The Massachusetts Registry of Motor Vehicles offers online information about vehicle registration, driver licenses, traffic laws and hearings, manuals, forms, and service center locations.
Legal aid, free services, lawyer referral
Bristol County Victim and Witness Help
The Bristol County District Attorney's Victim Witness Assistance Program provides crime victims and witnesses with information about victims' rights and the court process, case status notification, crisis intervention, court accompaniment, referrals, and assistance with victim compensation and victim impact statements.
Attorney Discipline Records
The Massachusetts Board of Bar Overseers offers online listings of attorney discipline decisions from 1999 through the present, including admonitions, administrative suspensions, and dismissals.
Community Legal Services and Counseling Center
Community Legal Services and Counseling Center (CLSACC) is a volunteer-based agency combining legal assistance with mental health counseling. Legal services offered by volunteer lawyers include disability benefits, family law, housing and immigration law.
Complaints About Attorneys
The Massachusetts Board of Bar Overseers offers information about filing a complaint against a lawyer and provides links to agencies that handle attorney discipline.
Consumer Protection
The Massachusetts Attorney General's Consumer Advocacy and Response Division offers information about its consumer protection services, debt, mortgages and foreclosures, and utilities; a list of complaints against businesses; a directory of local consumer programs; and forms and instructions for filing a consumer complaint.
Lawyer Directory
Search the Board of Bar Overseers directory of Massachusetts attorneys by name, bar number, and location.
Lawyer Fee Disputes
The Massachusetts Bar Association offers an arbitration program to help resolve fee disputes between lawyers and clients.
Lawyer Referral and Legal Assistance
The Massachusetts Bar Association offers a lawyer referral service by telephone or online form, a Dial-A-Lawyer free advice service by telephone, and free presentations about elder law.
Legal Assistance
Find links to a directory of organizations offering free or low-cost legal services, "Lawyer for the Day" volunteer lawyer programs, limited assistance representation, lawyer referral services, and Massachusetts and national lawyer directories.
Legal Services Directory
Search a directory of Massachusetts organizations offering free and low-cost legal services by location, household information, and legal issue.
Working With a Lawyer
View information about working with a lawyer, including payment, confidentiality, criminal matters, and complaints.