Report Corrections Here
Elgin Municipal Court
PO Box 426
Phone: 701-584-3001
Fax: 701-584-2579
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Online Court Resources
Resources for the Elgin Municipal Court as well as online resources applicable to courts generally in Grant County, North Dakota, and resources applicable to all courts in North Dakota.
Search court case records
North Dakota Case Records
Search North Dakota District Court civil, criminal, family, probate, and traffic case records and civil judgments by case number, citation number, party name, attorney information, or date filed. Additional search options include case status and case type. Case records for some Municipal Courts are also available.
Criminal History Record Check Information
The North Dakota Attorney General's Office provides instructions for requesting a criminal history record check, with links to downloadable request forms. A fee applies.
Dockets, calendars, and other information about court cases
North Dakota Court Calendars
Search North Dakota District Court calendars by location, party name, case number, attorney information, judicial officer, and date range. Additional search options include hearing type and case category. Calendars for some Municipal Courts are also available.
Published opinions and orders
Attorney General Legal Opinions
Search North Dakota Attorney General opinions and advisory letters from 1943 to current, view all opinions and letters in reverse chronological order, or view the index.
Self help, legal research, general information
Court Rules
Search and browse North Dakota court rules including civil procedure, criminal procedure, juvenile procedure, evidence, general court rules, local court rules, administrative rules and orders, and rules for attorneys and judges.
Crime Victim Help
The North Dakota Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation offers information about its services for victims of crime, including notification of offender status, links to social service and counseling agencies, and victims' compensation.
Expungement Information
The North Dakota Attorney General's office offers information on the sealing or expungement of North Dakota criminal records.
Legal Resources
The State Bar Association of North Dakota offers a list with links and contact information for a variety of legal information providers.
Online Legal Research Resources
Access North Dakota legal research resources including the state Constitution, Statutes, Administrative Code, Child Support Guidelines and Calculator, Tribal Court practice, Supreme Court Library, and more.
Traffic and Motor Vehicle Information
The North Dakota Department of Transportation offers information and forms related to traffic and motor vehicle laws, drivers licenses, and safety issues.
Legal aid, free services, lawyer referral
Complaints About Lawyers
The North Dakota Supreme Court provides information about the Disciplinary Board and how to make a complaint about a lawyer.
Consumer Protection
The North Dakota Attorney General's Office provides information about scams, consumer rights, and instructions for filing a complaint, with links to downloadable and online complaint forms and a sample complaint letter.
Find a North Dakota Lawyer
Access information about lawyers through an alphabetical list by name, or search by keyword or location.
Find Lawyer Discipline Records
The North Dakota Supreme Court offers an online list of lawyer discipline decisions, with decisions listed by most recent date and lawyer last name. Decisions are available from 1969 through the present.
Lawyer Referral Service
The State Bar Association of North Dakota offers an online lawyer referral and information service.
Volunteer Lawyer Services
The State Bar Association of North Dakota offers reduced-fee and pro-bono legal services for low-income residents, with an online application form and a toll-free number.