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Fredonia Municipal Court
25 North Main Street
Phone: 928-643-7241
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Online Court Resources
Resources for the Fredonia Municipal Court as well as online resources applicable to courts generally in Coconino County, Arizona, and resources applicable to all courts in Arizona.
Search court case records
Arizona Court Case Records
Search case records for most Arizona courts, and Superior Court minute entries for most counties. Lists of participating and non-participating courts are provided.
Published opinions and orders
Forms and related information
Online fine payments
Pay Arizona Court Outstanding Debts
Pay Arizona court outstanding debt for traffic and criminal violations online through the FARE (Fines/Fees and Restitution Enforcement) Program. A fee applies.
Self help, legal research, general information
Coconino County Courts Instructional Videos
View instructional videos on topics related to Coconino County court matters, Family Court, landlord-tenant matters, Orders of Protection, and representing yourself in court.
Coconino County Law Library
View information about the Coconino County Law Library, including location, hours, and an online ask-a-librarian service. Links to forms and additional online research resources are provided. Forms are available in English and Spanish.
Coconino County Recovery Court
View information about the Coconino County Recovery Court, which can set up treatment in lieu of incarceration for some criminal and DUI offenders with substance abuse problems. A link to the participant handbook is provided.
Arizona Court and Legal Information
AZCourtHelp offers information about the court system, links to self-help resources by topic, form assistance by topic, a court finder, answers to frequently asked questions, a glossary of legal terms, information about protective orders and eviction, links to court calendars and sources of case records, notifications of upcoming legal talks and clinics, a live chat with a law librarian, and legal guidance for seniors, children, and veterans. The site may be searched by keyword.
Arizona Crime Victim Help
The Arizona Attorney General's Office of Victim Services offers information about victims' rights, domestic violence resources, victim compensation, restitution, and available resources. Links to a complaint form, brochures, and publications are provided. Select the "VICTIM SERVICES" drop-down menu for links to detailed information.
Arizona Defensive Driving School Information
View information about defensive driving schools, including eligibility requirements, a list of eligible violations, and a list of courts that allow extensions of time. Online and in-person classes may be searched by your court date. Completion of driving school may result in dismissed citations for eligible violations.
Arizona Driver License Information
The Arizona Motor Vehicle Division offers information about driver licenses, state IDs, license reinstatement, ignition interlocks, and answers to frequently asked questions. Links to driving schools and the driver license manual are provided.
Arizona Court System Guide and Glossary
View a comprehensive guide to the Arizona court system, including types of courts, selection of judges, court personnel, court procedure, and a glossary of legal terms.
Arizona Legal Information
The State Bar of Arizona offers information about topics including guardianship and conservatorship, alternative dispute resolution, child support and custody, domestic violence, personal injury, divorce, wills and trusts, employment, and working with a lawyer. Use the "Select Language" drop-down menu on the upper right corner of the website to translate the information into various languages.
Arizona Legal Information and Legal Resources
AZLawHelp offers information about various legal subjects, including consumer, criminal, family, health and disability, housing, immigration, estate planning, protection from abuse, benefits, tax, and employment. Legal resources for Native Americans, veterans, and seniors are also provided. Select the "Questions" menu item at the top of the page for answers to questions about legal issues, or to ask a question. Select the "Your Rights" or "Stories" menu item at the top of the page for more questions and answers about various topics. Select the "Links" menu item for links to additional online legal resources.
Arizona Rules of Court
View the Arizona Rules of Court by subject matter and court type, including local rules. Recent and proposed amendments are also provided.
Arizona Self-Help Resources
The Judicial Branch Self-Service Center offers information and guidance to individuals representing themselves in court. Topics include family law, child support, civil law, criminal law, domestic violence, evictions, garnishment, juvenile law, probate, small claims, tax law, traffic law, crime victim restitution, and additional information and services for victims. Resources include online forms, instructional booklets, information for seniors and veterans, and a directory of county self-service centers. Information is also available in Spanish.
Arizona Senior Resources
The Arizona Attorney General's Office offers information for seniors about consumer scams, life care planning, abuse, and links to additional resources. Consumer fraud, medicaid fraud, and civil rights complaints may be submitted online.
Arizona State Laws
Search Arizona Revised Statutes by keyword, or browse the index of titles online.
Legal aid, free services, lawyer referral
Coconino County Public Defender
View information about the Coconino County Public Defender's Office, which provides court-appointed free legal representation to income-eligible defendants facing potential loss of liberty, and in some family, juvenile, parental rights, and mental health cases.
Arizona Domestic Violence Legal Help
The Arizona Domestic Violence Legal Services Project offers a list of organizations that provide legal assistance to victims of domestic violence.
Arizona Public Defender Services
The Arizona Public Defender Association offers contact information and links for Public Defender offices by city and county. Public Defender services include free or low-cost representation in criminal defense, mental health, and juvenile matters for income-eligible clients.
Arizona Judge Complaint Information
The Arizona Commission on Judicial Conduct offers information about judicial conduct rules, instructions for filing a complaint against a judge, and links to ethics opinions and public decisions resulting from filed complaints.
Arizona Lawyer Complaint Information
The State Bar of Arizona provides information about complaints against lawyers, including types of complaints, a description of the disciplinary process, and a link to an online complaint form. Use the "Select Language" drop-down menu on the upper right corner of the website to translate the information into various languages.
Arizona Lawyer Discipline Records
The State Bar of Arizona offers online access to disciplinary actions against lawyers since 2012. You may also contact the Bar for additional information. Use the "Select Language" drop-down menu on the upper right corner of the website to translate the information into various languages.
Arizona Lawyer Information
The State Bar of Arizona offers information about working with a lawyer and legal specialists. Use the "Select Language" drop-down menu on the upper right corner of the website to translate the information into various languages.
Arizona Lawyer Search
The State Bar of Arizona offers an online form to post your legal needs and receive emails from lawyers interested in helping you. A search of lawyers by name, location, and area of law is also provided.
Arizona Legal Advice by Telephone
The State Bar of Arizona offers a free ask-a-lawyer service by telephone limited to scheduled topics, with a calendar of upcoming dates, times, and topics. Use the "Select Language" drop-down menu on the upper right corner of the website to translate the information into various languages.
Arizona Legal Document Asssitance
View information about the Arizona Legal Document Preparer Program, which permits trained and certified people who are not lawyers to assist self-represented parties with their legal documents. Select "Public Information" for a directory of certified preparers and information about filing a complaint
Free Arizona Legal Answers
Income-eligible residents without a lawyer can ask civil legal questions online and receive answers from an Arizona lawyer. The service is free; registration is required.