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Kent County Superior Court
Kent County Courthouse
414 Federal Street
Phone: 302-735-1900
Fax: 302-739-6717
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Online Court Resources
Resources for the Kent County Superior Court as well as online resources applicable to courts generally in Kent County, Delaware, and resources applicable to all courts in Delaware.
Search court case records
Court Case and Judgment Information
Search Delaware court case and judgment information by name, date, court, case type, judgment status, or case ID. Case information includes case description, related cases, event schedule, case parties, and docket entries. Judgment information includes party name, address, type of liability, and judgment amount, status, and date.
Dockets, calendars, and other information about court cases
Published opinions and orders
Court Opinions and Orders
Search court opinions and orders by keyword, year, court, and case type. Sort search results by date, party name, case number, court, judicial officer, or description.
Forms and related information
Online fine payments
Pay Delaware Court Fines, Costs, Restitution, and Surcharges
Pay Delaware Superior Court, Court of Common Pleas, Family Court, Justice of the Peace Court and Department of Corrections criminal and traffic fines, costs, restitution, and surcharges online. A nominal fee may be applied by the participating court.
Self help, legal research, general information
Foreclosure Mediation Program
View information about the Delaware Housing Authority's Foreclosure Mediation Program, which can set up homeowner counseling and a mediation session with the lender prior to court foreclosure.
Problem-Solving Courts
View information about Drug Court, Mental Health Court, and Veterans court, which can set up treatment in lieu of incarceration for some offenders with substance abuse or mental health problems.
Superior Court Alternative Dispute Resolution
The Superior Court Alternative Dispute Resolution program helps parties resolve disputes without going to court. Mediation and arbitration procedures, forms, directories of arbitrators and mediators, and motion schedules are provided.
Superior Court Online Information
View the Superior Court's iCourtClerk Online Answer Desk, which provides information about Superior Court via a topic search, a browseable index, and an online question submission form.
Court Rules
View Court Rules for all Delaware courts by court and case type. View rule amendments by amending order and date.
Expungement Information
View information for the expungement of criminal records in Delaware state courts, including instruction sheets and relevant code sections.
Foreclosure Prevention Resources
View resources for preventing foreclosure in Delaware, including local housing counseling agencies, state programs, and a link to legal aid providers.
Community Legal Information
The Community Legal Aid Society offers downloadable pamphlets in the areas of disability, elder, poverty, and health care law, as well as links to additional information in the topic areas of tenant's rights, public benefits, domestic violence, immigration, and consumer issues.
Consumer Complaints
The Delaware Attorney General provides information about filing a consumer complaint against a business, including an overview of the process, a complaint form, and a consumer fraud brochure.
Court Programs
View information about Family Court Resource Centers and Do-It Yourself Divorce Seminars, with links to additional legal resources.
Delaware Code
Search the Delaware Code (statutes) by keyword in the index of titles online, or drill down by title to chapter to subchapter statute.
Legal Information and Research Resources
View the Online Citizen Help Center, which offers information about a variety of topics including civil law, family law, criminal law, traffic tickets, and appeals. Additional information is offered about legal assistance, court proceedings, fees, transcripts, records access, court hours and locations, and other topics.
Legal Information and Services
Legal Services Corporation of Delaware offers free legal information for civil matters. Resources including an online library of articles arranged by topic, a variety of downloadable forms, interactive Justice of the Peace Court forms, legal tips, and links to additional resources.
Legal aid, free services, lawyer referral
Public Defenders
The Delaware Office of the Public Defender provides legal services to indigent and incarcerated adult and juvenile offenders. Descriptions, contact information, office locations, and answers to frequently asked criminal law questions are included.
Attorney and Judge Complaints
View information from the Delaware Supreme Court Office of Disciplinary Counsel about filing complaints against lawyers and judges for misconduct, unauthorized practice of law, or fee disputes.
Civil Legal Services
View information about Legal Services Corporation of Delaware, which provides free civil (non-criminal) legal help to qualifying low-income residents. Links to additional legal service providers and self-help resources are included.
Community Legal Services
View information about the Community Legal Aid Society, which provides free and low-cost civil legal assistance to indigent residents in the areas of poverty, elderly, benefits, disabilities, health care, mortgage foreclosure, housing, domestic violence, immigration, and consumer issues. Links to additional self-help resources are included.
Find Attorney Discipline Records
The Office of Disciplinary Counsel of the Supreme Court of Delaware offers online access to records of discipline actions against attorneys since 1906. Records are organized alphabetically by attorney last name and search options include keyword, case type and year.
Find Help in Delaware
View Delaware Helpline's links to community resources and assistance including health care, financial, housing, food, government, utilities, legal services, child support, transportation, mental health, and family issues. Search for additional services, including crisis center phone numbers for victims of sexual assault, domestic violence, juvenile and elder abuse and neglect, and suicide prevention. Call 1-800-464-4357 to be connected with any state agency.
Free Legal Services and Lawyer Referral
Delaware Volunteer Legal Services provides free civil legal services for income-eligible residents, and a Lawyer Referral Service by telephone that charges a nominal fee and includes an initial consultation. Click the "Legal Help" link at the top of the page for more detailed information, and click the "Click Here to Learn More" link at the bottom of the page for a downloadable flyer.
Legal Assistance and Legal Services
View information from the Delaware State Courts about self-representation, free legal services, and lawyer referral services. Links to organizations that provide free or low-cost civil and criminal legal services are included.
Legal Information for Seniors
A handbook offering legal information for seniors is available in a downloadable or printable format as well as an interactive web page. The information is available in English and Spanish.