Report Corrections Here
Pawtucket Municipal Court
Pawtucket Police Department
121 Roosevelt Avenue
Phone: 401-727-9100
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Online Court Resources
Resources for the Pawtucket Municipal Court as well as online resources applicable to courts generally in Providence County, Rhode Island, and resources applicable to all courts in Rhode Island.
Online fine payments
Pay Pawtucket Traffic and Parking Tickets Online
Pay Pawtucket traffic tickets online by summons number, driver's license number, and phone number; pay parking tickets online by tag number, registration number, and phone number. Payment may be by credit card, debit card, or electronic funds transfer. A convenience fee applies.
Self help, legal research, general information
Rhode Island Criminal Record Expungement
View information on the expungement (sealing) of Rhode Island criminal records.
Rhode Island Traffic Tribunal Ticket Information
View Rhode Island Traffic Tribunal ticket information related to civil traffic violations, including payment options and the court process.
Traffic and Motor Vehicle Information
The Rhode Island Division of Motor Vehicles offers information driver's licenses, suspensions, registration, and plates. Online driver record search, title record search, and downloadable operator's manuals are included.
Rhode Island Domestic Violence Information
View information and resources available to victims of domestic violence in Rhode Island.
Rhode Island Law Library
View information about the Rhode Island State Law Library, including locations, hours, an online catalog, available materials and services, and links to online legal research databases.
Rhode Island Laws
Search Rhode Island General Laws by keyword or browse by title, chapter, and section.
Legal aid, free services, lawyer referral
Rhode Island Attorney Complaint Information
View information about how attorney complaints are reviewed by the Disciplinary Board. Rules of conduct, answers to frequently asked questions, and a complaint form are included.
Rhode Island Consumer Protection
The Rhode Island Office of the Attorney General provides information about consumer protection and various types of fraud including telemarketing, mail, credit, automobile sales, and debt collection. Answers to frequently asked questions and a downloadable complaint form are included.
Rhode Island Judge Complaint
View instructions on how to file a complaint against a judge in Rhode Island. The complaint form is included.
Rhode Island Lawyer Information and Referral
The Rhode Island Bar Association offers information about choosing a lawyer, an online lawyer referral service, a list of additional lawyer referral and legal aid programs, and information about lawyers' advertising, fees, fee disputes, and complaints about lawyer misconduct.
Rhode Island Legal Assistance
Rhode Island Legal Services provides free civil legal assistance to eligible low-income residents in the areas of family law, housing, employment, benefits, disability, education, elder law, and consumer law.
Rhode Island Public Defender
View information about the Rhode Island Office of the Public Defender, which provides criminal defense, juvenile, and parental rights services to low-income residents. Contact information and a client handbook are included.