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Sagadahoc County Superior Court
752 High St
101 New Meadows Rd
West Bath,
Phone: 207-442-0200
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Online Court Resources
Resources for the Sagadahoc County Superior Court as well as online resources applicable to courts generally in Sagadahoc County, Maine, and resources applicable to all courts in Maine.
Search court case records
Maine Criminal Records
The State Bureau of Identification offers a fee-based search for criminal history records and juvenile crime information by name and date of birth.
Dockets, calendars, and other information about court cases
Published opinions and orders
Superior Court Decisions and Orders
Search Maine Superior Court decisions and orders from January 2000 to the present by party name, year of decision, code title and section, court rule number, county, or judge.
Forms and related information
Online fine payments
Pay Court Fines
Pay court fines online for any Maine court by date of birth or docket number. A convenience fee applies. A link to traffic ticket payments is also available.
Self help, legal research, general information
Alternative Dispute Resolution
View information about mediation and other forms of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) in Maine Superior Courts, with a link to a searchable directory of mediators and other ADR neutrals.
Superior Court Criminal Case Information
Criminal case information for Superior Court is provided by the Maine Judicial Branch, including types of offenses, the standard of proof, and crime classifications.
Adult Drug Treatment Court
Adult Drug Treatment Court provides an alternative to criminal adjudication for offenses involving substance abuse committed by an adult. Drug Courts operate in the Superior Courts of Androscoggin, Hancock, and York Counties, the Portland District Court in Cumberland County, and the Calais and Machias District Courts in Washington County.
Business and Consumer Court
View information about the statewide court division that handles certain business and consumer cases. Links to forms and answers to frequently asked questions are in the left column.
Child Support Services
The Maine Department of Health and Human Services offers information about child support services, including paternity, online payments, and other resources related to child support.
Court Rules
View current and proposed Maine Court Rules.
Crime Victim Help
The Maine Department of Corrections offers information about services available to crime victims, including notification, assistance with harassment problems, a prisoner and probationer search, address confidentiality, and victims' compensation.
Disability Rights Resources
The Disability Rights Center of Maine offers information and referral services, advocacy, legal representation, education and training for individuals with disabilities.
Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Resources
The Maine Coalition to End Domestic Violence offers resources to victims, including a 24-hour hotline, referrals and information about temporary shelter and housing, resource centers, court assistance, safety planning and support services.
Domestic Violence Information
View answers to frequently asked questions about domestic violence, domestic abuse and the Protection Order process in Maine. Links to agencies and programs for further legal assistance are also provided.
Equal Justice Partners Information
The Maine Equal Justice Partners program provides assistance, advocacy, resources and publications for low-income residents dealing with health care, public assistance, education, employment and immigration issues.
Executive Clemency Information
View information about commutations of sentences and pardons of criminal convictions in Maine, including answers to frequently asked questions and a downloadable application for clemency.
Foreclosure Diversion
View information about the Foreclosure Diversion Program, which arranges mediation between homeowners and lenders. Links to forms and answers to frequently asked questions are included.
Foreclosure Prevention Resources
View resources for preventing foreclosure in Maine, including state agencies offering housing counseling services, a toll-free hotline, and links to legal assistance.
Maine Co-Occurring Disorders and Veterans Court
The Maine Co-Occurring Disorders and Veterans Court provides alternative treatment programs for civilians with co-occurring substance abuse and mental illness disorders as well as for military veterans who suffer from mental illness and substance abuse. This Court operates out of the Augusta Judicial Center in Kennebec County and accepts cases from District and Superior Courts statewide.
Maine Legal Information
Legal information is available in several languages on a variety of topics, including Housing, Family, Employment, Education, Consumer, Public Benefits, Health Care, Taxes, Veterans and Military, and Civil Rights law. General Court information is also provided, including procedural and legal assistance.
Representing Yourself
View information about representing yourself in Maine courts, including links to an overview of trial procedure, a Citizen's Guide to the Courts, and frequently asked questions.
County and Online Law Libraries
View information about local law libraries and online library resources. Links to locations and online resources are in the left column.
Maine Statutes
Search Maine Revised Statutes by keyword, title, or section number. Click LIST OF TITLES in the left column to browse by title, chapter, and section.
Self-Representation Information
The HelpMELaw website provides legal information, statewide resources, and research assistance to individuals with legal issues without legal representation.
State Law Library
View information about the Maine State Law and Legislative Reference Library, including contacts, hours, available resources and services, and an online catalog.
Legal aid, free services, lawyer referral
Court Appointed Lawyers
View information from the Maine Commission on Indigent Legal Services on how to apply for a court appointed lawyer and the types of cases for which the Commission provides lawyers.
Find a Volunteer Lawyer
The Maine Volunteer Lawyers Project provides legal assistance for low-income residents with family law, consumer law, benefits, personal injury, real estate, and tax law issues.
Find Free Legal Assistance
Pine Tree Legal Assistance offers free civil legal help to low-income residents, as well as information about various legal topics, downloadable legal forms and links to other legal assistance organizations.
Find Legal Help for Immigrants
The Immigrant Legal Advocacy Project provides legal assistance for low-income individuals with immigration issues.
Find Legal Help for Seniors
Legal Services for the Elderly provides free legal help with consumer, health care, and benefit collection issues for low-income Maine seniors.
Find Legal Help for the Disabled
The Disability Rights Center offers legal assistance and advocacy for residents with disabilities.
Attorney Complaint Forms and Information
The Maine Board of Overseers of the Bar offers instructions for filing a complaint against a lawyer, information about fee disputes, and downloadable complaint and fee dispute forms.
Lawyer Referral Service
Find information and an online application for lawyer referral services offered by the Maine State Bar Association.
Student Attorneys for Low-Income Residents
The Cumberland Legal Aid Clinic provides representation by faculty-supervised law students for low-income state residents. Areas of legal representation include general practice (family, criminal, and civil cases), prisoner assistance, juvenile justice, refugee and human rights claims, and protection from abuse.